March 14, 2010 @ 11:06 PM
BlogPatrol users have reported that stats are not being counted and/or that discrepancies are being shown among their stats reports. We are looking into this issue as of this blog post and will provide an update soon.
March 15, 2010 @ 9:18 AM
After much troubleshooting and problem solving, we have been able to resolve the issues affecting the system. Everyone's BlogPatrol accounts should be functioning properly again.
March 15, 2010 @ 4:55 PM
We've received additional feedback that there are still problems happening with the stats reports. We are investigating the issues further and will post additional information when it is available.
March 16, 2010 @ 4:36 PM
The system appears to be working correctly now. The bad news is that:
- BlogPatrol was not able to record any stats from ~19:30 PM (UTC-4) on March 13 until ~01:15 AM (UTC-4) on March 15.
- Also, new accounts created during this time period will need to be recreated because the system was not functioning properly.
Thank you
Yes. Visitor counts are running but reports & stats are hanged.
My stats reports are not showing up at all.
I have nothing for the 14th. Goes from the 13th skips the 14th and then I have inflated reports for today.
All countries visiting this past week are not represented. They were there earlier in the week, but only a few are there now.
Dr. Goreman and littlepurpleroom: Thanks for letting us know that the site is still having problems. We are looking into this now and will post an update as soon as more information is available. Thanks for your patience.
I'm getting almost nothing
Still getting almost nothing. Since the "fix," my count has dropped from 60 per day to 10 per day...
playwrighter: We are testing your account to see how it is performing now. In the Detailed Visitors Log reports, you'll see our visits under the IP address that includes the subdomain
For example, your account recorded our visits from the IP address on March 16. In the first visit, we used the Firefox browser at 03:21:32 UTC-7. In the second visit, we used the Google Chrome browser at 03:28:20 UTC-7.
I can't see my stats? What's wrong?
Eddy: We've reviewed your BlogPatrol account information and the source code to your site. You've successfully signed up for a BlogPatrol account.
However, when we reviewed the source code for your blog, we found that the BlogPatrol code has not yet been added to your blog. This explains why there is no data in your BlogPatrol stats reports.
BlogPatrol cannot track hits for your blog unless the BlogPatrol counter is installed and the widget (icon) appears on your site. Once you have installed the code, BlogPatrol will show stats for your visitors -- provided that your site is compatible with javascript code.
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